51st Arbutus Arts Festival
Thank you for making the 2024 Arbutus Arts Festival a huge success. The application for 2025 will be available soon!
Rules & Regulations
- The festival will be held rain or shine. There is no rain date. Refunds will not be issued for any reason.
- Each crafter must provide their own setup equipment and display items. We do not allow generators or provide electricity.
- East Drive will be closed to the public as of 6:00am on the day of the festival. Crafters may unload items on the sidewalk by their assigned space. All vehicles must be off the street as soon as they are unloaded and prior to 7:45am.
- If a crafter is not in their assigned space by 9:00am, the space will be sold and money will not be refunded.
- The festival is open from 10:00am until 5:00pm. Crafters must stop all sales at 5:00pm and clean up their space at the end of the day.
- Spaces will be assigned in an attempt to honor all specific requests. However, the Arbutus Arts Festival Committee reserves the right to make final space assignments and change assigned spaces, if necessary. Crafters will be notified by the Committee of any space changes.
- The Arbutus Arts Festival Committee reserves the right to decline any application which does not meet the guidelines or is deemed unacceptable.
- The Arbutus Arts Festival Committee reserves the right to limit the number of crafters accepted in a particular category.
- Crafters may ONLY sell what is listed on their application. Photos including a representative sample of items must be submitted with the application. Applications without photos will not be accepted. Crafters who pre-register the day of the festival must submit photos before their application will be final approved. Photos may be mailed or emailed to the appropriate address below.
- Crafter spaces are 16 feet wide x 10 feet deep. Tents and displays must start at the curb and cannot extend into the street beyond 10 feet. No soliciting is allowed outside of the designated space. Tents must be weighted.
- All items offered for sale MUST be handmade by the crafter. Wholesale items are not acceptable. There can be no product changes or product line additions after an application is submitted and accepted.
- No food is permitted to be sold or given away as samples, unless prior approved by the Committee. Any food crafter giving out samples of their handmade food items must submit a copy of their temporary food service facility permit.
- No fundraising or raffles are permitted.
- No pets, bikes, skateboards, roller blades or scooters will be allowed.
- Crafters must bring their confirmation letters on the day of the festival and display the vendor parking pass on their vehicle dashboard for entrance to the parking lot.